Convert your website into a money-making machine

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Has your business hit what could be described as a ‘‘slump’’? Are you watching your competitors getting most of the action, even though you’re trying really hard? Or maybe you’ve just started a new venture and are not visible in the ocean of similar businesses online?

If your answer is a yes to any, or all, of the above, you may want to consider upgrading your website, or better yet, getting a new one. For those of you who may think I’m being overly dramatic… read on!

2021 has witnessed a record number of new businesses and websites. This is not surprising since 95% of British shoppers use the internet to search and purchase goods and services. Additionally, the pandemic has successfully achieved two things, first – it inspired many dormant entrepreneurs to take a leap of faith, and secondly – forced practically every business that wasn’t already online. This has also given rise to the number of web design companies in the UK.

If you’re having trouble with digital visibility in a post-covid world, it’s probably because there are several other businesses competing for the same space as you and an outdated website is not doing you any favours. Here are a few reasons why you should upgrade your existing website, or invest in a new one:


If your current site sucks

If your present website is not responsive, not delivering new traffic, or is just a static page that displays poorly created content, you need a new website. Many business owners, especially those that own industrial or traditional B2B companies, even today, underplay the importance of a well-designed website. This is a fatal mistake!

Your website is the only employee that works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, no questions asked. If you do not invest in your star performer, you’re going to lose out. Money can always be earned again, but brand identity, once lost, is lost for good.

Websites are the virtual interface between your customer and your business. It sets the tone for what they can expect and provides the customer experience. It’s a well-established fact that first-time visitors form an opinion about a brand / business within a few seconds of visiting their website.

An uninspiring, outdated website that takes a long time to load shows the user that the company doesn’t care enough about its identity and reputation, and is likely to treat its customers with the same disregard.


Content matters

Content is another parameter that many companies fail to optimise. A website that displays quality content is now a must-have. Think about it; content is essentially all that there is to a website. When it comes to acquiring a low bounce rate and high interactivity, content is king.

It’s not a good idea to tailor your website’s content to just one type of visitor. Creating content that targets customers who aren’t ready to purchase, or who have already purchased from you, is a good way to increase sales. A sign-up form for advice and information, or an educational landing page that leads customers to finally convert may be one idea to try.

Visitors may stop returning to your website if the material is no longer relevant or up-to-date. It’s also possible that conversions won’t happen right away, so providing content that appeals to a broad range of potential customers might help pave the way for genuine conversions later. You’ll maintain a high visitor stream that is engaged beyond your primary focus, if you provide material that appeals to a variety of target demographics.


Poor design = low conversions

What one person finds attractive may not be attractive to another, and this is especially true in the digital world. Customers spend an average of 2.6 seconds searching for information they require on a website, before deciding to leave it – according to a report published by the Missouri University of Science and Technology.

More time spent on your website translates into more favourable outcomes – and website design has a significant role in keeping clients on the site for longer periods of time. For the majority of people who visit well-designed websites, their first opinion of the site can be established in as little as fifty milliseconds!

If a substantial number of your visitors leave after scanning only the ending page, you will experience a big drop in conversions. The credibility, security, and decision-making skills of your website have an impact on your visitors’ perception of your business and its products. Even little tweaks to a website’s design may have a significant influence on how engaged, retained, and confident visitors feel whilst on your site.

Contrary to the popular belief that function trumps form, a poor graphical design could spell doom for your business. Moreover, poorly designed websites tend to have a much higher bounce rate. As bounce rates are a parameter used by Google to allocate SERP (search engine ranking page) rankings, a shabby looking website may never make it to the top of the search results. 


Zero response

A responsive website will be hands down more successful than a website that isn’t. In 2021, 95% of all internet users conduct their bill payments and purchasing of services and goods online, as well as doing their research. A major portion of this demographic uses mobile devices actively. This is why a website that is not responsive, will also not be successful.

Responsiveness refers to the ability of a website to adjust its layout according to the device it’s being viewed on. It’s a major factor that contributes to your company’s search engine ranking. Therefore, unresponsive websites never hit the top of the SERP list.

It’s not easy to create and optimise a website so that it yields higher returns and more conversions. This is why I recommend working with a web development agency that is well known for delivering results. Web Choice is a highly respected web design company in the UK and they are ready to help you redesign your website, or build you a new one that will outperform your competition.

For the best in web development, contact Web Choice today.


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