Factors That Impact on eCommerce in 2021

As the e-commerce industry grows, online shopping and consumers' online shopping behavior increases. According to last year's estimates, e-commerce retail sales grew to $ 6.54 billion in 2020 alone and are still growing significantly. In addition, there has been a dramatic increase in online sales due to the ongoing health crisis caused by the epidemic. It can be easy to host an online store; calling visitors and switching to buy your services or products is a tricky part. Therefore, if you are looking for their piece of the pie, business organizations selling services and products online should have effective e-commerce marketing strategies to increase conversion rates by 2021. In this post, we examine the factors that can help improve e-commerce sales. Without further ado, present the content in an orderly…
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Do E-commerce the Magento way!

E-commerce is the order of the day in the world of virtual marketing and selling. It is a great way to enhance your business and tap the teeming online market. And while the market is swamped with e-commerce applications, it is critical to choose and select the best ecommerce partner for your business. Magento, an open source ecommerce software is increasingly becoming the more preferred solution for online merchandising. Your brand’s success depends on how well do you implement your ecommerce and target an untapped audience. Magento is highly resilient, has a rich and extremely user friendly interface and provides the best solution to numerous e-commerce problems that occur in the online business. Know how Magento works to deliver some of the world’s best ecommerce brands - here is Magento101.…
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Want to Download some Responsive Magento Themes of 2013?

RWD (responsive web design) is one such concept that enables your website to convert its look as per the mobile device and web browser. Today, most of the online merchants, who have online store based on Magento, searching for responsive Magento themes to use in their e-stores. In this epoch of mobile technology, each and every customer is accessing any website or internet from his/her smart-phone, tablet or any device. No matter whether it comes to purchase products or visiting any website, most of the people prefer their smart-phone or tablet. Therefore, it is must for every businessman to go hand-in-hand with responsive design, which is one of the most powerful and advanced topic in web designing. By using RWD concept, you will get more business by allowing your customers…
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Get Magento URL and Path

When you work or develop magento site so many places you need to some magento URL. Magento URL and magento path is very helpful to make development easy. When you want to create magento static block and you want to show some image or set any page link then you need to set exact path for that. Maegnto provide some basic path or URL by default. Here I want to show you magento path and URL. Use magento URL in static block get SKIN URL [php]{{skin url='images/sampleimage1.png'}}[/php] get Media URL [php]{{media url='/sampleimage1.png'}}[/php] get Store URL [php]{{store url='contact.html'}}[/php] get Base URL [php]{{base url='yourstore/contact.html'}}[/php] Use magento URL path in PHTML get Homepage URL [php]<?php $home_url = Mage::helper('core/url')->getHomeUrl(); ?>[/php] Or check current page is homepage [php]<?php if( Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier() == 'home' && Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getRouteName() ==…
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How to show latest tweet on magento site

Display latest tweet on magento site without any extension. Twitter is most popular social networking site in a day.Using this code publish their Twitter account posts directly onto any section of their Magento store.This is a fast and effective way to keep your website up to date with relevant information. Once integrated, messages are able to appear directly into a designated section of your website and will appear in real-time as soon as the messages are posted. Benefit of twitter integrate into magento store Keep your Magento store live with fresh information via Twitter data feeds Fast and effective way to integrate your Magento store with Twitter Keep your website up to date with relevant information posts Step 1: Create magento_tweet.phtml from catalog/product/magento_tweet.phtml [php] <?php function getTime($time){ $tweetdate = $time;…
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How to call static block in magento

What is static block in magento? Static blocks can be used throughout your theme wherever you want to make small updates to a section of a page. Typical uses would be for promotional banners/callouts in sidebars or for some custom text in the middle of your home page. Static blocks can also be inserted into CMS pages or included in category pages. Creating s static block => Login in into your magento admin panel. => Navigate to CMS->Static blocks => Click Add new block => Give your block title (Title: A descriptive name to identify this block) => Give your block identifier (Identifier: The identifer will allow you to call this block from your template files or using the Magento markup tags. Typically this would be programmer friendly name with…
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