How to get Magento layout outside of Magento

Get Magento Content Outiside of Magento I integreated wordpress in my magento store and I will try to get magento data in wordpress file. I want to same header in my both site magento and wordpress. I tryed to hard and finally got the solution to get any magento layout in wordpress. Below are the script to get magento layout outside of magento. [php] <?php require_once '/home/.../public_html/.../app/Mage.php'; umask(0); /* not Mage::run(); */ Mage::app('default'); // get layout object $layout = Mage::getSingleton('core/layout'); //get block object $block = $layout->createBlock('page/template_links'); /* choose whatever category ID you want */ //$block->setCategoryId(3); $block->setTemplate('page/template/links.phtml'); echo $block->renderView(); ?> [/php] Get Magento layout outside of Magento Below script to get whole magento header section with top links out side of magento. [php] <?php require_once '/home/.../public_html/.../app/Mage.php'; umask(0); /* not Mage::run(); */…
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