If you want to use install any other magento extension or upgrade your mangeto from magento connect manager its really very easy to do that.
You can find really some great extensions some are paid and some are free from magento commerce site.Find extension that interest you, click “Get extension key”, agree with license agreement and get key.
But some times you want use magento connect manager and its display error like
“Please check for sufficient write file permissions”.
Magento Connect requires write permissions to the Magento files in order to install new extensions or upgrade the software to a new version. You can change your file/folder permissions either thru your FTP Client (like FileZilla) OR thru a SSH client (like Putty).
Go inside your Magento folder & change permissions of ALL FILES & FOLDERS RECURSIVELY to “777”.
copy and paste the following command from your putty.
find . -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \; chmod 666 downloader/config.ini
That will change the permissions on all the directories to writable, and you should be able to use Magento Connect now.
You may also need to change the permissions on the pear download file to be able to properly install Magento Connect packages:
chmod 777 downloader/pearlib/download/package.xml
You should now be able to access the Magento Connect Manager and other services which require permission changes.
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